Vegan Adventures in Eastbourne

I spent a couple of days in Eastbourne this week to visit family and meet my new baby cousin/soon to be Godson. 

Quite a few members of my family live in Polegate, just outside Eastbourne. They have a small High Street with a couple of cafes and recently introduced Costa. My Cousin and I stopped in at Sarah’s Coffee and Cakes and I was pleasantly surprised they had a sign stating they did dairy free cakes on Wednesday and Thursday. I of course was hoping these were also egg free making them vegan and my hopes were confirmed when I saw these.

They also had a savoury vegetable and cheese puff pastry slice which was vegan. I had a piece of cake with a soya latte and thoroughly enjoyed it. If small independents are managing to serve vegan options the big guys like Costa really need to buck their ideas up! (As my friend Olive has been saying for years!)

On Friday we popped into town to meet with some of my other Cousins and stopped in Urban Ground another independent for a drink. I had my fave matcha latte (with soya milk). I also saw they did avocado toast on their menu. Looking at their website they also do dairy free cakes but I didn’t notice these clearly marked when I was there.

We stopped at Oh My Goodness in the Enterprise centre for lunch, which I have previously reviewed here. I went for the quiche and the salad, it was all really great and very filling, although I would have liked the quiche to have been warmed up or at least room temperature rather than refrigerated cold, but i understand that can be difficult to do.

Next door was a makeup store with this sign outside, which lead me to believe it was completely vegan.

However they were only referring to the brand “concrete minerals”. When I spoke to the owner they said they were getting a lot more cruelty free brands in the next couple of weeks, so check it out if you’re in the area. I did however manage to get some E.L.F. eyeliner in Superdrug. I got the cream eyeliner in coffee which comes with a little brush to apply it with. I’m well versed in applying liquid eyeliner but I was after one of the pen type ones but they only had those in black or “very black” and as I’m quite fair I prefer to wear brown. It went on really easily and stayed in place all day. 

We stopped in at Sunny Foods a health food shop and I picked up one of my fave chocolate bars Vivani white nougat crisp and a coffee alternative made from barley and chicory. The store is quite big and if I lived nearby I would definitely had bought more!

I also bought a raw cheesecake in Oh My Goodness but I was way to full from lunch to have it then so I saved it until the evening. It was a lovely treat and I enjoyed pretending I was being saintly! 

Are you a vegan living in the Eastbourne area? Do you have any recommendations for me for my next visit? Let me know in the comments below.

Plumes x

Vegan Adventures in Eastbourne